Data Request Form

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Our Data Policies

If you’d like to receive a copy of my data in electronic format (.csv)
You will receive access to your data that we have on file in Cadmium products. You will be able to view it online and also have the ability download it.

If you’d like to be removed from all marketing communications
If an organization uses any data collected by Cadmium on their behalf, for anything other than contacting you as a Member or Event Participant/Attendee, you may request to be removed from marketing communication beyond those particular contact purposes.

If you’d like all your data to be forgotten (anonymized)
Your profile will be removed from Cadmium products. You will be able to choose which products your data is removed from. Please note that removing data from a product like the mobile app will mean that you no long have any access to your favorites, notes, and content tied to your account.

If you’d like to have my data transferred to a 3rd party
You will receive a standardized report that you can export and share with a third party company. A third party company would be a company that works to monitor and protect your identity.