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15 Tips for Managing Video in Education


Video is becoming the medium of choice for educators around the world. Today, more than 97% of teachers use some form of educational video in the classroom, seeking to engage students with meaningful visuals. As more digital natives enter the classroom, this number is only expected to increase.

Video in education demand is higher than ever, which is why proper management is essential for schools of all sizes. Recording, storing, sending, and protecting footage is no easy task, and for organizations with little to no experience, management may seem like a daunting task. But by leaning on management platforms and software solutions, schools and universities can get a better handle on their video processes and dramatically increase their ROI.

This article will explore actionable tips for better managing video in education and the different styles of management that exist in the marketplace.

Understanding video management styles

Video in education looks different for every organization. There are four major types of video management styles:

  1. Teacher based: Professors choose to record and send videos on their own, regardless of organizational strategy.
  2. LMS based: This involves housing educational videos in your LMS (learning management system), such as EthosCE and Elevate.
  3. Platform based: Some organizations decide to store videos on a public platform such as YouTube or Vimeo.
  4. Cloud based: The fastest and most efficient method of management involves the use of cutting-edge platforms that are dedicated only to educational videos.

Regardless of the approach that you take, ensure that your strategy is affordable, efficient, and sustainable over time.

Video in education management: Fifteen tips

Give your students, teachers, and faculty body the opportunity to succeed with these tips for video in education management.

1. Choose customizable architecture

When looking for a video management platform, make sure to select one that can be easily tailored to your specific needs. The last thing that you want is a platform that is inflexible or unalterable by developers.

2. Focus on security

Your educational video repository requires bank-level security. Create airtight authorization protocols that comply with all FERPA-related regulations.

3. Add secondary integrations

Many video management platforms can integrate with other software. Take advantage of these to find solutions that offer meaningful integrations with your LMS.

4. Harness data analytics

Make sure the video management platform that you select provides robust data analytics. This will help you track student engagement and understand how video is being used in your classrooms.

5. Add accessibility features

If you want to make video content more accessible, seek out a platform that offers features like closed captioning and transcription services. This will assist students in accessing, consuming, and using content to the fullest.

6. Focus on cloud-based options

Cloud-based video management solutions are the future of the industry. By selecting a platform that operates across devices, you can access educational video content from anywhere at any time.

7. Create captures and uploads

Teachers should be able to capture footage from any device and upload it directly to the video management platform. This will make the process of recording, posting, and sending content even simpler.

8. Consider playback options

Consider the different playback options that are available. If you want to embed videos into an LMS, email, or mobile site, ensure that your platform of choice provides plenty of options.

9. Track system-wide usage

Know exactly where and when videos are being used on your video management platform. Usage data will help decision-makers understand how different content is being used in your classrooms.

10. Highlight organization

Make sure your management platform can maintain video organization. Create folders, tags, links, and other searchable data to find videos.

11. Use advanced sharing

Take advantage of video management platforms that offer advanced sharing features. These will enable you to share videos with different groups, both inside and outside the organization.

12. Have guest account options

Giving guests access to your video repository can be a valuable asset. By offering one-time or privileged access, you can ensure that only authorized individuals are viewing your videos.

13. Use live broadcast capability

Your video management platform should always offer live broadcast capabilities. This feature can be used to stream events, classes, or lectures to a broader audience.

14. Have in-video search functions

In-video search functions enable users to quickly and easily find content. Encourage ease of access and usability for all teachers, students, and faculty members.

15. Use video visibility controls

A variety of visibility controls give educators the ability to hide videos, make them private, or open them to the public.

Choose Warpwire for managing video in education

With so many considerations on the table, the importance of using a management platform for educational videos cannot be overstated. Not only do they reduce strain on your organization, but they also make recorded content more timely, protected, and relevant than ever. For thousands of educational facilities around the world, Warpwire is the obvious choice.

For nearly a decade and counting, Warpwire has been one of the most powerful platforms for managing video in education. It’s partnered with educational organizations of all kinds to create features that matter, including:

  • Customizable APIs
  • Trackable media assets
  • Dozens of partner platforms

Warpwire’s video platform provides analytics to help you track media assets, media libraries, and system-wide usage. Designed to explore engagement, Warpwire’s reports provide deep insight into how your institution interacts with media.

To see how we can help you better leverage your video content, get in touch with us today!