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3 Reasons to Use a Video Platform for Education

Video Management

Breakthroughs in hardware and software systems for live streaming mean that colleges and universities can provide reliable user experiences every time. These new systems bring together technologies that can dramatically simplify the challenge of live streaming.

Capturing and managing video is central to success in higher education. The tools built into live streaming platforms must offer simple workflows so all stakeholders in the education process can benefit.

The reasons for using a video platform for education have everything to do with the imperative to reinvent the classroom experience and bring new learning capabilities to higher ed students.

To build these offerings, higher education institutions need a platform that addresses functions like capturing, processing, broadcasting, and sharing video and analyzing the effectiveness of your efforts. Here are three reasons to use a video platform and how Warpwire can help.

1. Learning and Engagement

A video content management system provides opportunities for higher education to use evolving broadband and streaming technologies to improve access to learning resources for people outside the classrooms. Picking the right platform will help provide a foundation for your distance learning and streaming strategy, and ensuring that it has the right features is the first place to start.

When you're considering video streaming and content management platforms, features to explore include the following:

  • Engaging students is essential for a successful program video platform for education in higher education institutions. Today's learners are accustomed to video-driven information with video game/film levels of quality, so an instructor's single, straight-on camera angle will not cut it. Look for a platform that enables you to record multiple video sources simultaneously. The Warpwire platform can record up to four sources and is compatible with all major browsers. It also allows for Zoom meeting integration.
  • Capture capabilities in your platform should reflect the changing nature of media recording. Learning engagement may come with opportunities to capture video in places outside the classroom. Your platform should be able to ingest mobile video as much as camera capture. Warpwire also offers capabilities for screen capture.
  • Video sources should be saved as a single media asset to facilitate multi-source playback. This capability in the Warpwire platform enables users to watch and switch between multiple video sources via a single browser experience.
  • Your video platform for education needs to have a robust suite of analytics so you can understand what works and what doesn't.

The Warpwire platform is the most efficient way to build a video and streaming foundation to take your institution into new initiatives for learning.

2. Support of Multiple Workflows

One of the essential tasks in conducting due diligence on potential video platforms is the consideration of the use cases required by your organization. You need to thoroughly understand the workflows available in your platform of choice.

Warpwire offers flexibility to create workflows to realize the potential of the technology for your learners. Here are a few examples:

  • Recording and broadcasting a live event
  • Supporting a student group's needs for storing and accessing video (users can do this by creating an ad hoc media library through Warpwire)
  • Enabling foreign language instructors to connect with students and review pronunciations
  • Integrating with technology providers to provide support for multiple caption providers so you can work with your favored partner

Investing in the Warpwire platform and deploying its capabilities in multiple use cases can become a source of competitive advantage. It enables schools to reach new audiences and generate revenue in ways that would not be possible in the analog world.

3. Security and Accessibility

Learning management systems and video platforms are designed to help expand audiences for learning, not limit it. Your platform needs to have the right features to enable content to be accessible by all, not just those in the mainstream.

The team at Warpwire has built a solution that extends the critical work of your educators through features like:

  • Automated creation of closed captions
  • Ability to upload captions from other providers to match up with the video ingested into the Warpwire system
  • Downloadable transcripts so learners can document the completion of their work

Warpwire also has a responsive and colorblind design, dark and light modes, and mobile and tablet compatibility. All these combined features will help make your video platform well-suited for remote learning.

See how easy it is to deliver higher ed live streams with Warpwire Live and book a demo now. The learning technology provides real-time, low-latency virtual attendee experiences. Warpwire makes it easy to capture and manage video within learning environments and delivers insight into how the communities engage with the content.