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5 Key Benefits of Education Streaming for Universities and Beyond

Video Management

Education streaming has become an essential part of learners' academic experiences and a mainstream classroom component over the past several years. When used correctly, video has a positive impact on students, leading to increased engagement and improved learning outcomes.

Given that the majority of Generation Z and millennials prefer YouTube over textbook learning, these findings come as no surprise. Video communicates to them in a language that these digital natives understand, so they can learn new concepts more efficiently and revisit difficult-to-understand themes.

Educators agree with this preference, with many saying that video is more effective than text-based content. Online and hybrid learning models have hastened the adoption of streaming by universities and other institutions of higher learning, a trend that shows no signs of slowing.

The benefits of streaming in education are multiple and varied, including customizable learning experiences and increased access to education for students who can't attend traditional classes. An online platform for education is critical for enabling schools to maximize the benefits of streaming to enhance engagement and improve learning outcomes.

Read on to learn about the benefits of using streaming in higher education.

1. User Friendly and Accessible

One of the best things about education streaming is that with the right platform, there's no steep learning curve to get started. Students and faculty can use platforms like Warpwire without any specialized training or technical knowledge.

Choosing a platform that seamlessly integrates with your university's LMS and requires little setup allows you to provide high-quality education streaming services to your students from the get-go. With minimal training, instructors can use these platforms to stream lectures and deliver course materials to students.

Since these platforms are easy to use, they promote greater adoption rates among students, as they can stream video content easily from anywhere with an internet connection. Also, learners with hearing impairments can use closed captions while streaming videos, thus ensuring that they won't miss a thing.

2. Improved Learning Outcomes

This generation of students consists of digital natives who turn to YouTube, TikTok, and other video platforms to learn new skills or increase their knowledge about topics that interest them. So, it's not surprising these learners excel when video streaming is incorporated into the classroom.

A systematic review of the use of video in the classroom showed that videos consistently outperformed classroom instruction when it came to how much students learned. When video is used instead of textbooks, the results are even more impressive, with video content winning out by a large margin.

Education streaming excels because it enables students to learn at their own pace and in a way that works best for them. They can choose the content that they want to stream and focus on areas where they need additional support. When streaming is paired with an LMS, students can access lectures, course materials, and other resources from any location, any time of the day.

3. Increased Learner Engagement

Better attention and focus, resulting in improved academic achievement, are part of how education streaming benefits learners. They are more likely to engage with video content than text-based content, which is why many teachers have prioritized incorporating video into their lessons.

When lectures are streamed live, learners can take advantage of the platform's interactive tools to participate in real-time Q&A sessions with instructors and peers, participate in virtual discussions, and complete interactive quizzes and assignments.

Within an educational platform that has streaming, students can connect with each other to share ideas and perspectives, work on projects, and talk about course content. For example, streaming platforms like Warpwire have a video repository for student groups where they can upload and share videos.

4. Customizable Learning Experience

Education streaming enables students to create a personalized learning experience. They can learn when they want, rewatch a lecture as often as needed to grasp the topic, or skip over material they already know well. These tools give students greater autonomy over their learning, as they can pause videos to take notes and regulate cognitive load by controlling how much time they spend on a lesson.

Moreover, instructors can use streaming to provide students with tailored feedback on their performance in real time, so students know what they're doing right and can make necessary adjustments before tests and final exams.

5. Analytics to Monitor Student Engagement

When schools use a platform for education streaming, such as Warpwire, they gain access to analytic tools that enable them to gauge student engagement and adapt lessons as needed to best meet the needs of their students.

Instructors can use these tools to gain insights into students' learning patterns and identify areas where they struggle. Analytics tools also enable instructors to view how often learners are accessing course materials and what content is being viewed most frequently versus what is being skipped over.

From determining which topics generate the most discussion to seeing which students are participating most frequently, institutions of higher learning can gather insights that enable them to optimize content to maximize student engagement.

Final Thoughts

Streaming has become a central part of the higher education classroom, with students and teachers alike benefiting from this technology. From increased engagement and improved learning outcomes to greater accessibility to education, streaming video has proven its worth.

As institutions of higher learning adopt and adapt to the use of streaming in the classroom, they continue to unlock its potential to create a more inclusive, dynamic, and effective learning environment for all.

See how easy it is to deliver higher ed live streams with Warpwire Live. The learning technology provides real-time, low-latency virtual attendee experiences. Warpwire makes it easy to capture and manage video within learning environments and delivers insight into how the communities engage with the content. Schedule a demo today!