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How to Choose Event Management Online Software


Planning an event involves juggling multiple moving parts, and it' challenging to keep track of them all while ensuring everything goes smoothly. Event management online software is a solution to this problem, as organizers can oversee all aspects of an event from a central online hub.

From event registration and ticketing to exhibitor management and speaker engagement, event management software (EMS) can simplify multiple tasks when planning events, facilitating effective planning and execution. In fact, it has been estimated that Event Technology can save businesses around 200 hours per year.

Not all event management technology is created equally, though, and knowing what features to look for in a solution can help you simplify complicated tasks, save time, and ensure that events run smoothly.

A Central Location for Managing Events

One of the biggest challenges when planning an event is organizing the moving pieces in a way that ensures that everything goes as planned. EMS enables event organizers to do everything that they need to do from a central hub, providing easy-to-use digital tools that enable them to build, manage, and execute events, minimizing the need for multiple apps.

Users can work from the software's dashboard, managing and coordinating all aspects of an event from beginning to end without leaving the platform. Moreover, once an event is underway, planners can use the event management online software to engage attendees and keep them updated.

Ease of Attendee Registration

An adage goes, "You never get a second chance to make a first impression." Your attendees' first contact with your event will be through the registration process, so your EMS must provide flexible and easy online registration. The right solution will make the process seamless, ensuring that you create a strong impression from the start.

When seeking out event management software, choose one that delivers a comprehensive registration solution so your attendees get a personalized experience.

Registration reporting and analytics to track attendees and revenue, customizable registration page templates, and the option to create multiple forms and passes (regular, media, VIP, etc.) are also tools to look for in an EMS.

A Website or Landing Page Builder

Your event website and landing page function as your face to the world and shape how attendees perceive your brand. They're also the first things that attendees see, giving you an early opportunity to make a strong impression.

The ability to build, manage, and update a website is essential, and you should look for appropriate tools when choosing event management software. The solution should also have options for creating websites or landing pages with unique designs and customizable templates and enable event planners to manage registration marketing and integration in one location.

Finally, since many people attend events to network with others, event management online software should provide features that enable them to do so, such as online learning with discussion boards.

Time Savings

A significant benefit of event planning online software is that it helps streamline the time-consuming event planning process. It automates most processes for organizers and exhibitors, enabling them to invest time in other essential things.

EMS eliminates the need to toggle between conference tools, email marketing, and registration apps because you'll have everything in one place. With automated actions, including sending out invitations, adding last-minute attendees, handling payments, and dealing with cancellations and refunds, your event is set up for success.

Furthermore, being able to schedule meetings; create, track, and designate tasks; send emails; and set reminders if you fall behind saves time and makes everyone's life easier.


Your organization has multiple tools at its disposal to handle daily tasks, so it's essential to choose event management online software that easily integrates with the tools that your team already uses.

Integrations help with marketing and make it easy to leverage social media and email to share events. It's also vital to choose an EMS with mobile integration that works across devices and enables event planners to make real-time changes to events as they unfold.

Final Thoughts

The best event software enhances the attendees' experience. Planners can supervise all aspects of a function from beginning to end, including websites, registration, communication, and post-event analytics.

When seeking out event management online software, you should select one with a robust set of features that will enable you to seamlessly bring together all the moving pieces of your event.

Here at Cadmium, we make it easy for event organizers to deliver seamless, memorable event experiences to attendees and manage speakers, exhibitors, and all their associated assets. To see how we can help you simplify your event organization, reach out to our expert team today!