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Managing Large Events with an Event Management Software App


As event planners everywhere know, planning an event is challenging. They must manage a long list of competing priorities while ensuring that everything goes off without a hitch. From industry trade shows to corporate conferences, large events present a unique set of challenges, including extra planning and coordination.

Large-scale events are typically more complex than small events, requiring longer planning timelines, bigger budgets, and extensive communication management. Organization is essential to staying on top of all the items on your to-do list. Using an event management software app streamlines the processes involved in event planning, making it easier to keep track of the moving parts that go into managing large events.

Keep reading to learn how an event management app can help you manage your next large-scale event.

Use an All-in-One Solution for Your Event Management Needs

Instead of using several different software solutions to manage your event, you can use an event management software app to do everything in one place. Organizers, attendees, exhibitors, and speakers will have all the information that they need on their mobile devices, which helps ensure that events run smoothly.

For example, attendees can access floor plans and schedules, connect with other attendees, and learn about exhibitors and speakers from the app. Event planners can monitor attendee behavior and track their whereabouts in real time with features that let them know which sessions are the most popular among participants.

Create a Personalized Experience for Attendees

Over 70% of consumers expect personalized experiences, and more than 65% express dissatisfaction when companies don't meet that expectation. Companies that invest in personalization generate significantly more revenue than those that don't.

These numbers highlight the importance of delivering a customized experience to event attendees and its impact on an organization's bottom line. Given the number of participants at large-scale events, though, creating personalized attendee experiences can seem like an impossible task.

That's the beauty of event management software apps. They take the guesswork out of customization, enabling planners to deliver individualized experiences to participants. These apps enable attendees to see the schedules for the sessions that they plan to attend, and they can take notes on sessions within the app, update their profiles with photos and biographical information, connect with other attendees, and respond to speaker questions during sessions.

Event apps also enable you to connect your brand directly to the event by ensuring that your attendees' needs are met, helping you establish a strong brand identity while encouraging communication and an open exchange of information.

Speed Up the Check-in Process

Checking participants into an event once involved using a pen to literally check names off a printed list. Not surprisingly, this manual process created long lines and frustrated attendees.

Nobody likes waiting in a long line to get into an event, and the good news is that when your organization uses an event management software app, your attendees won't have to. Event apps use contactless technology, so participants can check in at a kiosk with the app and a unique QR code. Once checked in, they can print their badges.

They can do all of this without interacting with anyone, speeding up the check-in process significantly and reducing long waits to get into your event.

Increase Attendee Engagement at Every Stage

Keeping participants engaged is critical to staging a successful event. When you use an event management software app, attendees can download it to connect with organizers and other participants beforehand. Use the app to send out teasers, reminders, and scheduled messages to build excitement among attendees.

During the event, you can use the app to encourage participants to interact with speakers and each other by polling them during presentations. The valuable feedback from real-time polling can help speakers tailor content based on audience reactions. You can also involve your audience by letting them submit and respond to questions using the app.

Once the event is over, you can use the event management software's survey collector to test attendees on what they've learned and gather feedback for future events. Using these features to enhance engagement will help maximize your event's success.

Final Thoughts

When you choose comprehensive event management software to handle your events, you have all the tools that you need to successfully plan your event in one place, eliminating the need to deal with different software solutions to get the job done.

From registration to audience engagement, an event management software app brings together all the moving parts of your event, improving productivity, saving time, and simplifying the planning process while ensuring that your attendees have the best experience possible.

Here at Cadmium, we make it easy for event organizers to deliver seamless, memorable event experiences to attendees and manage speakers, exhibitors, and all their associated assets. To see how we can help you simplify your event organization, reach out to our expert team today!