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NASBLA Fulfills Education Mission with Elevate

Learning Management Systems

Challenge: Find a new LMS to improve in-person conferences and content

Education is a vital component to NASBLA’s mission. With a history of excellence in place based events, NASBLA realized they needed to supplement these programs with a robust, online education offering. This led them to make the decision to explore and select a new learning management system that could help extend their reach and make education more accessible.

Ron Sarver, Chief, Knowledge & Learning Management Systems of NASBLA, was responsible for selecting an LMS that could allow the organization to begin to develop an e-portfolio of learning options. The selected LMS would be used to extend the value of onsite training and provide a convenient way for NASBLA’s stakeholders to access education and training on their schedule.

NASBLA identified a number of core challenges they wanted to address with a new LMS:

  • Leverage and expand the impact of in-person conferences.
  • Support their community with greater access to compelling content.
  • Structure learning as a continuous or fluid process.

Solution: An LMS capable of custom design, integrated webinars, and more

After an extensive search, NASBLA selected and implemented Elevate by Cadmium. Elevate was chosen because it was able to support the range of requirements such as custom design, integrated webinars and micro learning programs.

A core need was the seamless integration between Elevate LMS and NASBLA’s AMS, MemberSuite. Through this integration, NASBLA members are able to seamlessly utilize single sign-on, shopping, and reporting. Sarver noted that in addition to the Elevate platform, NASBLA is finding significant value in Elevate’s content capture capabilities.

Sarver also shared they are moving to add virtual events in the near future. The “One Source” solution has been extremely valuable and has simplified management of NASBLA’s Education.

Result: Increased retention and growth of members

NASBLA is currently in the process of providing a series of micro-learning classes in Elevate to supplement their live training.The goal is to provide members a follow-up video a couple weeks after the course to increase information retention

We wanted the ability to continue learning that occurs at our in-person training. Our plan is to develop micro-learning components to refresh the student’s knowledge that would reinforces a learning concept.

In addition to micro-learning, NASBLA is working on a resource library available to members based on their job function. This will make it easy for their learners to access critical information quickly.NASBLA’s primary goal for the next several years is to create and sustain a vibrant and robust online learning platform that becomes the number one source for boating safety education in the U.S.

The NASBLA team recognizes that the eLearning center has the potential to extend beyond membership and impact a much greater population. Extending NASBLA’s reach through education is an important strategic initiative. To fulfill the the eLearning Center’s promise, Sarver shared that NASBLA will be focusing on creating outstanding content that is relevant to each job function or role. Career advancement through education will be a primary initiative in the years to come.


The National Association of State Boating Law Administrators (NASBLA) is a national nonprofit, 501(c)3organization that focuses its efforts around public policy for recreational boating safety. NASBLA represents therecreational boating authorities of all 50 states and the U.S. territories.