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Streaming and Online Learning Platforms: Using Both for Higher Ed

Video Management

We have witnessed a revolution in learning over the past few years, with online learning platforms with streaming video becoming central to how higher education institutions deliver their courses. These platforms have transformed the classroom experience, giving students the tools to take charge of their education and to learn at their own pace on their own schedule.

Flexibility, accessibility, and opportunities to engage with peers and instructors in real time are just a few of the benefits that these online platforms offer. From massive open online courses to hybrid learning, streaming video has powered the educational experience, leading to better learning outcomes and more satisfied learners.

In this blog post, we look at how an online learning platform can enhance the educational experience.

Benefits of Online Learning Platforms for Higher Educational Institutions

Attending classes in person was once a norm that few people questioned. The assumption was that for learning to be effective, it needed to take place in a classroom with students and teachers present.

There has been a paradigm shift in recent years, with most of today's educators viewing streaming video and online learning as an essential part of the teaching space. One reason for this shift is the rapid advancements in technology that have made it possible for educators to deliver an in-person-like experience to learners no matter where they are in the world.

Educators have realized that traditional classroom-based learning can't match the flexibility and accessibility of online learning platforms. Online learning enables students to access course materials and lectures however they want, so they can study whenever they want, whether in the library, at a coffee shop, or traveling for work.

These platforms also offer closed captioning, text-to-speech, and screen readers, which make learning more accessible to people with disabilities. Moreover, they enhance the learning experience. For example, streaming is integral to online learning platforms, providing learners with an engaging and interactive experience. Instructors can use streaming video to explain complex concepts and provide examples and explanations, helping them create a more immersive learning experience and improve educational outcomes.

When students aren't attending class in person, streaming video can be used to facilitate real-time communication and collaboration among learners through discussions, debates, and group projects that can mimic the in-person learning experience.

Real-Time Interaction: A Game-Changer in Online Learning Platforms

From asking a teacher questions during virtual office hours to working with other learners on a group project, students on online learning platforms can use live video to credibly replicate in-person learning, leading to an immersive and engaging experience.

Real-time interaction via online learning platforms has several benefits, including increasing student engagement and motivation by making learning more interactive and participatory. Learners benefit from improved communication with teachers and peers, which can help build a sense of community and support.

This interaction enhances learning outcomes because it provides students with immediate feedback and allows for more personalized instruction. Instructors can take advantage of live streaming capabilities to broadcast lectures, presentations, and other course content in real time, giving learners opportunities to interact with teachers and ask questions, helping them to deepen their understanding of the course material.

Furthermore, video chat features can be used for virtual office hours, group projects, and other collaborative activities, so learners can interact with each other and their instructors face-to-face.

Essential Features of a Streaming Platform

Streaming video can help instructors create a more dynamic and interactive learning atmosphere, increasing student engagement and motivation. However, not all streaming platforms are created equally; some will make it easier to achieve your goals than others.

Let's look at a few features that institutions of higher learning should seek in an online streaming platform.

Lecture Capture

Video capture enables instructors to record lectures and make them available to students beyond classroom hours. It doesn't replace in-person or live streaming; instead, it enhances them by enabling students to go back and rewatch lectures with concepts that they may not have grasped the first time or review a class that they could not attend.

Video Hosting

Hosting means higher education institutions can store and share various video content from a central location, including presentations, lectures, and multimedia content.

Media Libraries

Once instructors have finished streaming their classes, they'll want to organize them so learners can easily watch them in the future. Faculty can upload videos to the platform and store them in a central location where learners can access them on demand. Videos can be arranged in folders based on themes, subjects, and courses.

Video analytics

Video analytics enables instructors to monitor whether students have watched content to measure engagement. Using this tool, faculty can track learners' performance, including whether they watched a video to completion or stopped in the middle. With this information, teachers can better tailor videos to meet learners' needs.

Final Thoughts

Streaming platforms have changed the educational landscape, improving learning outcomes and increasing student engagement. Convenience, flexibility, and real-time interaction are just a few benefits that these platforms offer learners and educators. Embracing these platforms will be essential for higher education institutions seeking to stay relevant and competitive in an increasingly digital world.

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