Unlock New Streams of Revenue with EthosCE
Entice your learners to sign-up for our courses, create new streams of revenue, and gain access to next-level e-commerce features with EthosCE, an award-winning Learning Management System (LMS).

Bring New Offerings to the Table

Unlock e-commerce features that keep your offerings fresh and incentivizes your learners.
Variable and Bundled Pricing
Get purchasers to buy multiple items by using variable pricing that bundles together specified items for a set price.
Create Coupons
Create a coupon name and code that your learners can use to purchase a specific bundle or course at a set discount amount.
Pricing per Role
Provide a different price for each role you have in your system, which can be used to reward and recognize your purchasers.
EthosCE's security measures to safeguards your transactions.
Ensure a Secure Experience
Secure credit card processing and integration with existing merchant accounts gives your learners reliable and secure shopping experiences
Integrates with External Checkout
Track and record your user’s cart information, which can be retrieved later by your external checkout system.
Data Encryption
EthosCE uses strong encryption protocols to safeguard personal and financial data transmitted during e-commerce transactions.

Efficiently track and analyze e-commerce transactions for informed decision-making.
Transaction Summaries
Generate detailed summaries of e-commerce transactions, including sales volumes, revenue trends, and payment statuses.
Customizable Reports
Customize financial reports to suit specific needs, such as filtering by date ranges or product categories.
Export Functionality
Easily export financial data to external formats for further analysis or integration with accounting systems.
Ready to expand your offerings with EthosCE?
Request your demo for EthosCE now.