Maximize Attendee Engagement

From customizable websites and mobile apps to seamless live streaming and interactive session scanning, Eventscribe empowers event organizers to create dynamic, engaging experiences. Our Audience Response System, ePosters, and Quizzes & Evaluations further promote active participation and learning, ensuring every event is a success.

Transform Your Attendee Engagement


Build a customizable website that matches your branding and drives attendee engagement.

Help Attendees Plan

Attendees will have access to the full conference schedule, floor plan, speaker biographies, and more.

Customize Your Design

Create a seamless experience for your audience by fine-tuning the look and feel of your website.

Encourage Social Learning

Add a social component to online learning with discussion boards that promote knowledge exchange year-round.

Mobile App

Send your attendees push notifications, schedules, session information, news, and more.

Fine-Tune the Look and Feel

Utilize the Customizable Design Styling (CSS) feature to integrate your brand seamlessly into every facet of the user journey.

Involve Your Audience in Real Time

The mobile app’s audience response feature offers an easy way for attendees to submit questions and respond to speakers during sessions.


Maximize engagement and encourage participation through scavenger hunts.


Deliver professional-grade streaming to virtual audiences in real-time.

Promote Real-Time Interactions

Get your audience’s input and make them feel involved with live chat, polling, and reaction capabilities.

Make Your Streams Accessible

Enable high quality machine generated closed captions that lets your viewers stay in sync.

Quickly Resolve Stream Issues

Get instant feedback on stream health and quality with proactive health monitoring capabilities.

Session Scanning

Get a read on attendance with Eventscribe's session scanning capabilities.

Understand Your Audience

Evaluate session scanning results to understand which sessions are most popular among attendees.

Gain Real-Time Insights

Access attendance data and session analytics instantly, allowing for swift adjustments to event flow and content.

Distribute Credits Based on Attendance

Bridge the gap between events and education by awarding continuing education credits based on session attendance, enhancing attendee engagement and learning outcomes.

Audience Response System

Encourage real-time audience participation and obtain vital feedback.

Run Interactive Polls

Conduct instant polls and surveys to gauge audience opinions and preferences, fostering interactive discussions.

Conduct Live Q&A Sessions

Facilitate interactive Q&A sessions where attendees can submit questions and vote on the most relevant topics.

Crowd Source Content

Enable attendees to submit and upvote questions for speakers or moderators, ensuring the most popular queries are addressed.

Comments & Communications Board

Attendees can engage with live comments during the session.


Engage your audiences with interactive posters that are accessible anywhere.

Put Presenters in Control

Let your poster presenters manage themselves by collecting biographies, photos, descriptions, presentations, and more

Make it Easy to Access Posters

Enable your attendees to access posters from any device and increase interactivity with note-taking options.

Let Your Attendees Find Content

Your attendees will be able to easily find the poster or presentation they need through universal content search.

Quizzes & Evaluation

Encourage continued learning and help attendees reflect on specific events.

Improve Knowledge Retention

Improve attendee knowledge retention with customizable quizzes.

Promote Professional Development

Encourage your members to grow themselves with evaluations and surveys.

Improve Your Offerings

See how your audience connects with your learning material and spot areas of improvement.

Take the next step and request a 1-on-1 live demo today.

Get in touch with our experts to learn how Eventscribe can help you reach your goals.

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